path: root/
diff options
authorAlbert Zeyer <>2011-05-13 16:46:46 +0200
committerAlbert Zeyer <>2011-05-13 16:46:46 +0200
commit7c01164769c958736b4467fb8d4382ff72b90e50 (patch)
tree2d5d743f1ae1d34d7804b7b89b005e66e2627264 /
parent31a75db5d9fd937381740320fb130a8df498cabb (diff)
support for multiple trackers. also some more output and some safty user verify questions
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 8eea844..e7353b8 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ print 'Parsing XML export...'
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(open(xml_file_name, 'r'), convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.ALL_ENTITIES)
trackers = soup.document.find('trackers', recursive=False).findAll('tracker', recursive=False)
-assert len(trackers) == 1, 'Multiple trackers not yet supported, sorry'
-tracker = trackers[0]
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
@@ -33,9 +31,8 @@ from time import sleep
from getpass import getpass
import re
-github_password = getpass('%s\'s GitHub password: ' % github_user)
def rest_call(before, after, data_dict=None):
+ global github_user, github_password
url = '' % (before, github_repo, after)
if data_dict is None:
data = None
@@ -53,29 +50,39 @@ def rest_call(before, after, data_dict=None):
def labelify(string):
return re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9._-]+', '-', string.lower())
-closed_status_ids = []
-for status in tracker.statuses('status', recursive=False):
- status_id =
- status_name = status.nameTag.string
- if status_name in ['Closed', 'Deleted']:
- closed_status_ids.append(status_id)
+closed_status_ids = set()
+for tracker in trackers:
+ for status in tracker.statuses('status', recursive=False):
+ status_id =
+ status_name = status.nameTag.string
+ if status_name in ['Closed', 'Deleted']:
+ closed_status_ids.add(status_id)
+print "closed_status_ids:", closed_status_ids
groups = {}
-for group in tracker.groups('group', recursive=False):
- groups[] = group.group_name.string
+for tracker in trackers:
+ for group in tracker.groups('group', recursive=False):
+ groups[] = group.group_name.string
+print "groups:", groups
categories = {}
for category in tracker.categories('category', recursive=False):
categories[] = category.category_name.string
+print "categories:", categories
started = opts.start_id is None
-for item in tracker.tracker_items('tracker_item', recursive=False):
+def handle_tracker_item(item, issue_title_prefix):
+ global started
if not started:
if == opts.start_id:
started = True
- continue
- title = item.summary.string
+ return
+ if len(issue_title_prefix) > 0:
+ issue_title_prefix = issue_title_prefix.strip() + " "
+ title = issue_title_prefix + item.summary.string
body = '\n\n'.join([
'Converted from [SourceForge issue %s](%s), submitted by %s' % (, item.url.string, item.submitter.string),
@@ -112,3 +119,92 @@ for item in tracker.tracker_items('tracker_item', recursive=False):
print 'Closing...'
rest_call('issues/close', number)
+import signal
+def signal_handler(signal, frame):
+ print 'You pressed Ctrl+C!'
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(0)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+import readline
+readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
+readline.parse_and_bind("set show-all-if-ambiguous on")
+class Completer:
+ def __init__(self, words):
+ self.words = words
+ self.prefix = None
+ def complete(self, prefix, index):
+ if prefix != self.prefix:
+ self.matching_words = [w for w in self.words if w.startswith(prefix)]
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ else:
+ pass
+ try:
+ return self.matching_words[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+def userRawInput(prompt):
+ readline.set_completer(None)
+ s = raw_input(prompt)
+ return s
+def userInput(words, prompt=""):
+ readline.set_completer(Completer(words).complete)
+ while True:
+ s = raw_input((prompt + " ").lstrip() + "Choice of [" + ", ".join(words) + "] ? ")
+ if s in words: return s
+ print "Error: '" + s + "' unknown, please try again"
+def userVerify(txt, abortOnFail=True):
+ if userInput(["yes","no"], txt) != 'yes':
+ if abortOnFail:
+ print "Aborted."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return False
+ return True
+def getIssueTitlePrefix(trackername):
+ prefixes = {
+ "Bug": "",
+ "Feature Request": "[Feature]",
+ "Patch": "[Patch]",
+ "Tech Support": "[Support]"
+ }
+ if trackername in prefixes:
+ return prefixes[trackername]
+ prefix = "[" + trackername + "]"
+ if not userVerify("Tracker '" + trackername + "' is unknown,"
+ + "I would use the prefix '" + prefix + "', ok?", False):
+ while True:
+ prefix = userRawInput("Please enter a prefix: ")
+ if userVerify("Is prefix '" + prefix + "' ok?"):
+ break
+ return prefix
+items = []
+for tracker in trackers:
+ trackeritems = tracker.tracker_items('tracker_item', recursive=False)
+ trackername = tracker.description.string
+ print "Found tracker:", trackername, ",", len(trackeritems), "items"
+ trackername = trackername.replace("Tracking System", "")
+ trackername = trackername.strip()
+ issue_title_prefix = None
+ for item in trackeritems:
+ if issue_title_prefix is None:
+ issue_title_prefix = getIssueTitlePrefix(trackername)
+ items.append((item, issue_title_prefix))
+print "Found", len(items), "items in", len(trackers), "trackers."
+userVerify("Everything ok, should I really start?")
+github_password = getpass('%s\'s GitHub password: ' % github_user)
+for item in items:
+ handle_tracker_item(item)